The millipede or luing with the most legs of any animal known to man, found in Australia
The millipede or luing with the highest number of legs of any animal known to man, was found in Australia 2 hours ago Image source, Reuters Image caption This luing was found nearly 60 meters underground in a mining area of western Australia. This pale luing or millipede has about 1,300 feet on its body which is an unusually long, 99 millimeters. Also read: Skip the Podcast and continue reading The World's Podcast This Morning BBC Indonesia BBC Indonesia airs at 05.00 and 06.00 WIB, Monday to Friday Final Episode of the Podcast The scientific name of this animal, Eumilipes Persephone, means 'a true thousand feet'. It is currently estimated that there are about 13,000 species of luing. "This animal exhibited the most extreme elongation ever found in the luing, which was the first animal to successfully conquer land," he said.
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